LinkedIn Strategist

LinkedIn Strategist

Vaste activiteit · 4–8 uur/week
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CoördinerenSociale mediaMarketing & CommunicatieEngels
Sociale rechtvaardigheidNatuur & MilieuOnderwijs
5 Gendergelijkheid10 Ongelijkheid verminderen12 Verantwoorde consumptie en productie13 Klimaatactie
Geschikt voor jongerenGeschikt voor bedrijfsvrijwilligers


Rob CloosenStel de contactpersoon een vraag of neem rechtstreeks contact op met de organisator via [email protected] of 0611923941.
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Advocates Who Thrive
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Do you view LinkedIn as THE medium to advocate for a sustainable and just society? Then join us to grow our LinkedIn presence & help changemakers grow!

Uitgebreide omschrijving

This pioneering role within Advocates Who Thrive (AWT) allows you to craft and start implementing a strong LinkedIn strategy that'll open new ways for helping our audience feel more empowered & capable to advocate for sustainability, inclusion, and/or animal rights.

Your tasks:

  • Developing our LinkedIn Strategy - the plan that will guide our LinkedIn content and interactions with our audience - partially on the basis of our existing Instagram strategy.
  • Performing and documenting LinkedIn market research, allowing us to tailor our content and general strategy to what works and what is needed.
  • Create and post a body of content that serves as a foundation for later content by (other) LinkedIn content creators.
  • Keeping track of the success rate of your content, and change tactics as needed in order to improve engagement and impact.
  • Contributing ideas for improving the social media strategies and seeking growth opportunities, involving other people within our team in doing so.
  • For later, if applicable: guiding LinkedIn content creators who join the team in creating meaningful and engaging content.

You'll do these things while integrating the AWT brand identity into your content; and aligning with your social media colleagues about the timing and approach of (posting) your content. This role has a lot of freedom to it, and you'll be asked to balance and prioritize your own work, for which you can also expect mentoring support.


  • Proven experience in social media coordination for an organisation.
  • Affinity with LinkedIn.
  • Clear and assertive communicator.
  • An understanding of social media trends and best practices.
  • Creative mindset with the ability to design engaging content.
  • Affinity with advocating for societal change, preferably in connection with one or more topics as part of sustainability, inclusion and/or animal rights matters.

Even though the role is remote, we're looking for someone who is based in the area of Den Haag, and who is able and willing to attend our cosy team meetings that take place on a monthly basis (each 2nd Saturday of the month).

Note: The above structure outlines a departure point for your role. Adjustments can be made based on specific preferences or additional details you may provide. This is a temporary role that can be extended - though in that case the strategic component will decrease in size and instead focus will be more on content creation, improving the process, and potentially guiding other content creators.

Wat wij vrijwilligers aanbieden

💸 Vrijwilligersvergoeding🤝 Extra begeleiding
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Over Advocates Who Thrive

Bij Advocates Who Thrive stellen we huidige of aspirant-advocaten in staat om invloedrijker te worden in hun strijd voor sociale en ecologische rechtvaardigheid.

We doen dit door hen trainings- en coachingsmogelijkheden te bieden die hun zelfvertrouwen, capaciteit en competenties vergroten om zich uit te spreken, te lobbyen en campagne te voeren voor het milieu, dierenrechten, mensenrechten en inclusie.

Om deze urgente maatschappelijke uitdagingen succesvol aan te pakken, hebben we allerlei invalshoeken en standpunten nodig. Dat is waar onze belangrijkste activiteiten - de intensieve, meerdaagse trainingen die we organiseren - van pas komen. Waar internationale jongeren van allerlei achtergronden samenkomen. De trainingsopzet in combinatie met hun passie en collectieve drive stelt hen in staat om zich volledig te concentreren op het onderwerp en op elkaar. Als resultaat ontwikkelen deelnemers zichzelf en elkaar op manieren die ze zich nooit eerder hadden voorgesteld.

Geheel in lijn met deze waarden verwelkomen en betrekken we in onze organisatie jongeren uit alle lagen van de bevolking. Ongeacht hun achtergrond, religie, opleiding, etniciteit, genderidentiteit of seksuele geaardheid, iedereen is welkom om mee te doen!

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